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Speaker, Retreat Leader, & Writer

Retreat team picture
Youth retreat activity

The Dream

I'm a 30-something year old living in Worcester, Massachusetts pursuing my dream of opening a Catholic café all with the burning desire to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ with those around me along the way!


Over my 10+ years of experiences leading retreats and giving faith based talks to a wide variety of groups, I've found that it brings me immense joy to share the many ways God has moved in my life and revealed His love for me and others through these encounters.


From my own undergraduate college campus ministry experience to becoming the Director of Campus Ministry at a small Catholic college to everything in between, I have learned a lot about how to connect with others in a meaningful and heart-felt way, especially when it comes to the topic of faith.


My biggest leap of faith came when I left that "cushy" job at the college in June 2022 to move to Virginia to work at Trinity House Café to gain knowledge and experience as I excitedly jumped into the deep end of this wild ride of becoming an entrepreneur. It's been a rollercoaster of experiences filled with doubts, fears, and overwhelm but oh so beautifully covered in the immense graces of the Holy Spirit. I'm definitely no poster child for taking a leap of faith, but I encourage everyone to dream BIG and BOLDLY with God.


You'll find below a list of various topics I have spoken on and the retreats I've developed myself. The list is not exhaustive and I welcome inquiries for other topics as well! I love combining many forms of media and various prayer modalities into my talks and retreats. While I am particularly passionate about connecting with young adults, I welcome inquiries for audiences of any age. I have worked with groups ranging from elementary school children to elderly nuns, so no audience is off limits!


Whatever brought you to this site, I thank God you're open to the call He's placed on your heart to come to know Him and follow Him more deeply- in whichever unique way that looks like for YOU and your community.

Counting the Blessings

  • 50+ retreats led & co-led

  • 10+ years of ministry experience

  • 9 months as a SPIRITUS missionary

  • 5 years as a college Campus Minister

  • 4 years as Vice President and Director of Marketing for a Catholic young adult non-profit ministry

  • 3 self-developed retreats

  • 1 Master's Degree in Theological Studies

Topics I'm Passionate About


Talk Examples

  • Holy Spirit & Pentecost

    • Being BOLD with the Holy Spirit​

  • God the Father

    • Learning Who He is and how to let Him love you​

  • Trust/Surrender/​Leap of Faith

    • Learning to live in the present moment by giving yourself completely to God's Divine Providence​

  • Giving a Witness

    • A practical how-to approach in sharing your story with others​

  • Being Present in the Desert

    • Reflecting on the importance of the times we're called to the desert​

  • ​​​Competition & Comparison with Women​

    • Celebrating other women through our sensitivity & independence​​​​


Retreat Examples

  • Be Present​

    • This signature Present Catholic retreat is crafted as an invitation to step into the present moment with God and others

  • Dreaming with God​

    • This is a workshop designed to be a time of inviting God into a current dream on your heart in an engaging & communal setting​

  • Gifted (Confirmation Retreat​)

    • Centrally-focused on having a relationship with the Holy Spirit​

  • MERCY (Confirmation Retreat​)

    • Takes you through 5 steps of understanding how your story intertwines with Jesus' love & mercy​

Melissa has a unique gift for presenting deep theological truths in a way that touches the heart. Drawing upon the Catholic Church's theological tradition and Sacred Scripture, Melissa weaves in personal testimony and popular culture references in a way that is at once serious and fun, thought-provoking and uplifting, challenging and affirming. She relates to her audience as a sister in Christ while also possessing the gravitas of a mentor and model disciple. She is clearly on fire with the Holy Spirit and desires to share her love of the Lord with everyone!

Fr. Patrick Fiorillo - Chaplain of Pure in Heart America & Harvard Catholic Center

St. Paul, Cambridge, MA

Tell Me More About Your Event!

Interested in booking me for an upcoming speaking event or retreat? Please complete this form with as much information as you currently have available. For guest blog requests or general questions, e-mail


Thank you! 

Thank you for your interest in working with me!

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